EPPO Platform
on PRAs



List of PRAs (Organism)

No PRA published

List of PRAs (Host)

Date PRA
Date publication
Commodity risk assessment of debarked conifer wood chips fumigated with sulfuryl fluoride from the US 2024-12-11 2025-03-13
Coniferous round wood imports from Russia and Baltic countries to Belgium. A pathway analysis for assessing risks of exotic pest insect introductions 2007-06-27 2020-08-25
Dendrolimus sibiricus ̶ Pest Report and Datasheet to support ranking of EU candidate priority pests 2019-06-03 2020-10-15
Evaluating the invasive potential of an exotic scale insect associated with annual Christmas tree harvest and distribution in the southeastern U.S. 2020-09-20 2021-03-11
Express-PRA zu Callidiellum villosulum – Auftreten 2024-03-28 2024-04-02
Pest categorisation of Arceuthobium spp. (non‐EU) 2018-07-05 2019-01-25
Pest categorisation of non‐EU Pissodes spp. 2018-05-17 2018-07-24
Screening potential pests of Nordic coniferous forests associated with trade in ornamental plants 2020-01-01 2022-01-14
The threat to UK conifer forests posed by Ips bark beetles 2021-03-01 2021-04-01