- Prefered name: Schefflera
- EPPO Code: 1SCHG
- Link to EPPO Global Database:
Other Scientific names
- Brassaia
- Didymopanax
- Tupidanthus
List of PRAs (Organism)
No PRA published
List of PRAs (Host)
Title |
Date PRA |
Date publication |
Identification of tree genera used in the construction of solid wood-packaging materials that arrived at US ports infested with live wood-boring insects | 2020-04-18 | 2021-08-30 |
Quickscan Spodoptera latifascia | 2015-11-06 | 2019-07-09 |
Rapid Assessment of the need for a detailed Pest Risk Analysis for Ceroplastes rubens Maskell | 2011-12-11 | 2019-07-11 |