EPPO Platform
on PRAs


Eotetranychus lewisi

List of PRAs (Organism)

Title Date PRA Date publication
Commodity risk assessment of Petunia spp. and Calibrachoa spp. unrooted cuttings from Costa Rica 2024-09-25 2025-01-09
Commodity risk assessment of Petunia spp. and Calibrachoa spp. unrooted cuttings from Guatemala 2023-12-15 2024-03-16
Pest risk assessment of Eotetranychus lewisi for the EU territory 2017-05-24 2018-07-24
Quick assessments of the potential for establishment in Sweden for a selection of quarantine pests 2021-01-18 2021-03-01
Scientific Opinion on the pest categorisation of Eotetranychus lewisi 2014-07-02 2018-07-24