Cascabela thevetia
- Prefered name: Cascabela thevetia
- Link to EPPO Global Database:
Other Scientific names
- Thevetia neriifolia
- Thevetia peruviana
Common names
- be-still tree (en)
- exile tree (en)
- lucky nut (en)
- trumpet flower (en)
- yellow oleander (en)
- gelber Baumoleander (de)
- gelber Schellenbaum (de)
- Schellenbaum (de)
- tropischer Oleander (de)
- arbre à lait (fr)
- bois-lait (fr)
- laurier jaune (fr)
- noix-serpent (fr)
- noyer de serpent (fr)
- oléandre jaune (fr)
- thevétia du Pérou (fr)
- adelfa amarilla (es)
- cabalonga (es)
- campanilla (es)
- cascabel (es)
- chilco (es)
- chilindrón (es)
- retama (es)
- gele oleander (nl)
- cerbera (pt)
- cerbera-de-flores-amarelas (pt)
- chapéu-de-napoleão (pt)
- jorro-jorro (pt)
- loandro-amarelo (pt)
- noz-de-cobra (pt)
- oleandro-amarelo (pt)
- huáng huā jiā zhú táo (zh)
- 黄花夹竹桃 (zh)
- thevetia peru (id)
List of PRAs (Organism)
No PRA published
List of PRAs (Host)
Title |
Date PRA |
Date publication |
EPPO PRA for Bactrocera invadens | 2010-09-30 | 2021-10-01 |
Rapid Assessment of the need for a detailed Pest Risk Analysis for Ceroplastes rusci Takahashi | 2011-09-21 | 2019-07-11 |