EPPO Platform
on PRAs

Rapid pest risk analysis for Plantago asiatica mosaic virus


This rapid assessment shows: 

Risk of entry: Unlikely. It is unclear how widespread this virus may be in the EU, but it’s presence in the Netherlands in the past suggests a low risk of entry through plants for planting, especially bulbs not produced via a certification scheme. PlAMV is now included in the Netherland’s lily certification scheme. 

Risk of establishment: Very likely. Should viable infected plant material enter the PRA area and be planted the virus has the potential to establish. 

Economic impact: Small, although lack of data makes this difficult to judge. The cut-flower and bulb industry is likely to be affected due to the potential loss of bulb stock as well as reduction in the value of the flowers. 

Endangered area: UK lily cut-flower industries are most at risk from this virus. Also of concern would be amateur growers buying in uncertified infected plant material, though most of the material sold in retailers is from the Netherlands. 

Risk management: It is considered that this virus can be managed without the need for EU regulation via the testing of propagating material within certification schemes and the application of the marketing directives.


  • Potexvirus marmorplantagonis


  • Lilium sp.
  • Nandina domestica
  • Plantago asiatica
  • Primula sp.


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Pest Risk Analysis Download 377,67kB

PRA Area

  • United Kingdom