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on PRAs

Pest risk analysis for Monochamus sartor


Monochamus sartor occurs in coniferous forests in mountainous regions of central and eastern Europe and there is a small chance that it might establish in the UK. Larvae of the beetle can cause damage to timber, primarily spruce, but over most of its European range it is considered a secondary pest and is controlled by good forest management. Monochamus sartor has been intercepted frequently in imported wood and at timber yards in the UK, but there is no evidence that it has ever established. On these grounds it is considered a very low risk to the UK and does not meet the criteria necessary for listing as a quarantine pest. This however, might need to be reassessed if Monochamus sartor is found to act as a vector for the pine wood nematode in Europe.


  • Monochamus sartor


  • Abies alba
  • Picea abies
  • Pinus


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  • United Kingdom