EPPO Platform
on PRAs

Express PRA for Podosphaera physocarpi


The fungus Podosphaera physocarpi is native to North America. Previously, it was not detected in Germany. In the EU, the fungus was detected at least in Wales and Lithuania. So far, it is listed neither in the Annexes of Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 nor by EPPO. P. physocarpi infects ninebark (mainly Physocarpus opulifolius, possibly Physocarpus capitatus) that grow as ornamentals in private gardens and parks. Due to appropriate climate conditions, it is assumed that P. physocarpi is capable to establish outdoors in Germany. The establishment in other Member States has to be expected if host plants are present. In single cases, P. physocarpi may affect severely susceptible varieties of Physocarpus opulifolius. In most cases, the damage is cosmetic. Due to the low cultivation density of the host plants, P. physocarpi poses a low phytosanitary risk for Germany and other EU-Member States. Based on this risk analysis, it is assumed that the pest is capable to establish in Germany or another Member State. Significant damage is not expected. Thus, Podosphaera physocarpi does not fulfil the criteria of a quarantine pest and Regulation (EU) 2016/2031, Article 29, does not apply.


  • Podosphaera aphanis


  • Physocarpus
  • Physocarpus capitatus
  • Physocarpus opulifolius


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PRA Area

  • Germany