EPPO Platform
on PRAs

Meloidogyne minor


M. minor is an unwanted organism for the golf course (and sports field) industry, although symptoms on infested greens seem to fade after some years. The current problem for infested golf courses is that there are no registered nematicides available. The key question for non-infested golf courses is to determine whether introduction and damage can be prevented. At least, in the UK and Ireland, it seems that M. minor is native and might be present at several sites. Constructing a golf course on such an infested site is likely to result in damage. Non-infested golf courses might become infested in several ways. Currently, there are only two (Dutch) records of M. minor in potato. Both potato crops were grown on fields that were long-term pasture land in the years prior to the findings. Furthermore, in The Netherlands, four pasture fields were found infested in 2005. Growing potatoes after pasture is not an uncommon practice (in The Netherlands and the United Kingdom). Potentially, this situation might result in more future outbreaks in potato crops. However, there is currently insufficient knowledge on the species distribution in the PRA area and its potential economic impact to determine if official measures are worthwhile discussing.


  • Meloidogyne minor


  • Agrostis
  • Festuca
  • Lolium perenne
  • Phleum pratense
  • Solanum tuberosum
  • Trifolium


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PRA Area

  • United Kingdom