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Eutetranychus orientalis Klein (oriental spider mite). Phytosanitary risk analysis for Ukraine


There is a high likelihood of acclimatization of Eutetranychus orientalis in Ukraine, which is due to the large number of host plants and compliance with the species requirements to the climatic conditions. Potential habitat area in Ukraine may be the southern coast of Crimea. Phytosanitary risk analysis of Eutetranychus orientalis Klein (Eastern spider mite) for Ukraine identified the need for the pest to be granted the status of a quarantine organism absent in Ukraine (list A1) and to amend the «List of regulated pests of Ukraine .

Titova  L., Klechkovskyi  Y. & Palahina  O (2020). Eutetranychus orientalis Klein (oriental spider mite). Phytosanitary risk analysis for Ukraine. Quarantine and Plant Protection, (1), 1-4. https://doi.org/10.36495/2312-0614.2020.01.1-4 . In Ukrainian with abstract in English and in Russian.

Eutetranychus orientalis Klein (східний павутинний кліщ) — аналіз фітосанітарного ризику для України


  • Eutetranychus orientalis

PRA Area

  • Ukraine