EPPO Platform
on PRAs

Feedback on a list of plant pests with candidates for risk assessments – Batch 6 (2022)



During the period July to August 2022 five of the plant pests that were found in EFSAs media and literature horizon scanning were evaluated with EFSAs PeMoScoring tool (EFSA 2022a, b unpublished). Based on the PeMoScoring the pests were either rated as above a threshold value (= positive) or below it (= negative), where further actions are proposed for the former group of pests.

The five pests were:
 Attacus atlas (negative)
 Eremothecium coryli (positive)
 Neospermospora avenae (negative)
 Pepper yellow mosaic virus (positive)
 Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (positive)

SLU Risk Assessment of Plant Pests was requested by the Swedish Board of Agriculture to
provide feedback in terms of (i) whether any of these pests are present in Sweden and (ii)
whether there are some special reasons to exclude or prioritize any of the pests for further pest categorizations (i.e., in addition to those provided by an EFSA PeMoScoring evaluation of these species (EFSA 2022b, unpublished)). This report is the 6th of similar reports provided on the topic.


  • Attacus atlas
  • Eremothecium coryli
  • Neospermospora avenae
  • Potyvirus batataplumei
  • Potyvirus capsiflavi


Type File Size
Pest Risk Analysis Download 392,45kB

PRA Area

  • Sweden