EPPO Platform
on PRAs

PRA for Meloidogyne graminicola


Overall assessment of risk: Meloidogyne graminicola is already established in the PRA area but only in rice fields. This pest has been found associated with rice plants and some weed plants. Internationally, its spread is more likely to occur through the movement of infected plants for planting and soil or growing medium from Asia. The likelihood of entry with machinery contaminated with infested soil was considered as low with a moderate uncertainty; and with non-host plant parts that may have growing medium attached (such as roots, tubers, bulbs), for consumption or processing, and with travellers as low with a low to moderate uncertainty. Inside the PRA area, the natural spread of this pest is limited. Spread will mostly occur through human assisted pathways, with soil or growing media, on its own or carried on machinery or tools, with plants for planting. In paddy fields, passive transport may also be facilitated by movements of water, wild animals and waterbirds. Rice root-knot nematode is a pest of international importance to rice around the world and it is one of the great concerns for yield loss due to nematode infestation in rice and wheat crops under rice–wheat cropping system. This nematode infests many plant species belonging to different families (mainly Poaceae but also Asteraceae, Cucurbitaceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae) that include plants of economic importance to the PRA area, but also to EPPO region. The large host range of M. graminicola and its ability to survive for long periods in environments with low oxygen render its control very difficult. For these reasons, adequate phytosanitary measures are important. Phytosanitary Measures to reduce the probability of entry: The possible pathways considered in this PRA are plants for planting, soil, seeds, waterbirds, soil attached to machinery or tools and travellers coming from infested areas


  • Meloidogyne graminicola


  • Allium cepa
  • Hordeum vulgare
  • Oryza sativa
  • Triticum aestivum
  • Zea mays


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Pest Risk Analysis Download 1,64MB

PRA Area

  • Italy