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on PRAs

IICA/Cosave Risk analysis for plants as pests for Ambrosia trifida


IICA/Cosave (2018) Risk analysis for plants as pests for Ambrosia trifida. Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, Comité Regional de Sanidad Vegetal del Cono Sur; Alec McClay. – Uruguay : IICA, 2018. 26 p.; Published also in Spanish and Portuguese https://repositorio.iica.int/handle/11324/7251 

Ambrosia trifida is a species of great importance as a weed of crops, difficult to control and causing significant yield reductions in several crops. There are suitable conditions for its establishment in all the countries of the region. The entry pathway that presents the highest degree of risk to the region is the importation of contaminated seed for planting. The potential risk of A. trifida for the COSAVE region is summarized in Table 5.


  • Ambrosia trifida


Type File Size
Pest Risk Analysis Link to file

PRA Area

  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Uruguay
  • Bolivia