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IICA/Cosave Risk analysis for plants as pests for Hydrocotyle batrachium


IICA/Cosave (2018) Risk analysis for plants as pests for r Hydrocotyle batrachium. Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, Comité Regional de Sanidad Vegetal del Cono Sur; Alec McClay. – Uruguay : IICA, 2018. 25 p.; Published also in Spanish and Portuguese https://repositorio.iica.int/handle/11324/7252   

This pest risk analysis was initiated in response to an application to import Hydrocotyle batrachium from Thailand and Singapore into Argentina as a plant for use in aquariums.

Based on the assessment, the classification of Hydrocotyle batrachium as a quarantine pest for the COSAVE region cannot be justified. However, if an application is made to import H. batrachium, shipments should be accompanied by a Phytosanitary Certificate given that it is a regulated article. It is also suggested that a voluntary code of conduct be developed for the aquarium plant industry, to warn sellers and buyers that they should not allow the disposal of live plants in natural waters.


  • Hydrocotyle formosana


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PRA Area

  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Uruguay
  • Bolivia