EPPO Platform
on PRAs

Recommendation for interceptions and findings of Citripestis sagittiferella, a citrus fruit boring caterpillar


There was one confirmed interception in 2011, when adults were reared from Citrus aurantifolia fruit (lime) from Malaysia. In 2013, there were a further two suspect findings, both from Malaysia, on fruit of Citrus latifolia (Persian lime) and Citrus sp., but adults could not be reared to confirm the species from either sample. Additionally in 2013, another suspected caterpillar of C. sagittiferella was found in an orange by a member of the public in London, who took it to the Royal Horticultural Society for identification.


  • Citripestis sagittiferella


  • Citrus
  • Mussidia


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Pest Risk Analysis Download 340,19kB

PRA Area

  • United Kingdom