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Rapid Pest Risk Analysis for Xylosandrus germanus (Coleoptera: Scolytinae)


This rapid assessment shows: 

Likelihood of entry: HIGH. The potential for entry via a wide range of host plants, and along numerous pathways, is available to X. germanus, whilst its small size and cryptic lifestyle makes it difficult to detect in host material. It has entered the UK and is currently known from two locations in Hampshire, 70 km apart. 

Likelihood of establishment: HIGH, with moderate to rapid spread. The beetle is highly polyphagous and the majority of the UK is climatically suitable for its establishment and spread. Multiple individuals have been collected on three successive years in northern and recently southern Hampshire, and it is considered to be established here. 

Economic, environmental and social impact is expected to be: SMALL to MEDIUM The beetle tends to attack stressed or dying hosts and recently felled timber. To date it has caused limited mortality in its established range, but has been involved in damaging attacks on deciduous trees, often in association with other ambrosia beetles. It is also occasionally associated with Fusarium species of fungi on some hosts. Increased host availability is likely to be influenced by severe climatic events and disease. 

Endangered area: All of the UK, except perhaps at higher altitudes and in the far north. A very wide range of woody plant species are available as hosts. 

Risk management: Better understanding of its current distribution (by targeted trapping) is being addressed. Options for control/management of an outbreak are limited, for example containment by restricting movement of wood would be unsuccessful due to its good dispersal abilities and polyphagous nature. Risk of damaging attack may however be reduced by good silvicultural management.


  • Ambrosiella hartigii
  • Xylosandrus germanus


  • Abies
  • Acer
  • Alnus
  • Betula
  • Camellia sinensis
  • Carpinus
  • Carya
  • Castanea
  • Cornus
  • Fagus sylvatica
  • Fraxinus
  • Juglans
  • Magnolia
  • Picea
  • Pinus
  • Populus
  • Prunus
  • Pseudotsuga menziesii
  • Quercus
  • Salix
  • Ulmus
  • Vitis vinifera


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Pest Risk Analysis Download 382,77kB

PRA Area

  • United Kingdom