EPPO Platform
on PRAs

Characterisation of fruit trees in the EU: a tool for crop-based survey of Union quarantine pests


This technical report was prepared in the context of the EFSA mandate on plant pest surveillance (M-2020-0114) at the request of the European Commission. Its purpose is to support Member States in planning and preparing crop-based surveys of Union quarantine pests in line with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072. In particular, the report includes a list of species reported as hosts of the regulated pests targeted by the call: GP/EFSA/PLANTS/2022/05 – 'Development of crop-based survey tools for plant pests of fruit trees, conifers, and palms and ornamentals in the EU' – Lot 1. Additionally, a classification of their occurrence in the EU is provided. The report provides basic information regarding the cultivation in the EU of 19 species of fruit trees widely cultivated in the EU, hosting at least one pest of the call in the families of the Ebenaceae, i.e. persimmon (Diospyros kaki L. f.); Ericaceae, i.e. bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), high-bush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum); Lythraceae, i.e. pomegranate (Punica granatum L.); Moraceae, i.e. silkworm mulberry (Morus alba), fig (Ficus carica L.); Rosaceae, i.e. apple (Malus domestica Borkh.), pear (Pyrus communis L.), quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.), plum (Prunus domestica), almond (Prunus dulcis Miller D.A. Webb.), apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.), sour cherry (Prunus cerasus), peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch), sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.), Japanese plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.), loquat (Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.); Rutaceae, i.e. bitter orange (Citrus × aurantium L.); and Vitaceae, i.e. grape (Vitis vinifera). For the selection of cultivated fruit-tree species, information on the main phenological stages, management practices, agroecosystems, climate suitability and distribution, regulatory requirements and trade of key commodities are provided.


  • Citrus x aurantium
  • Cydonia oblonga
  • Diospyros kaki
  • Eriobotrya japonica
  • Ficus carica
  • Malus domestica
  • Morus alba
  • Prunus armeniaca
  • Prunus avium
  • Prunus cerasus
  • Prunus domestica
  • Prunus dulcis
  • Prunus persica
  • Prunus salicina
  • Punica granatum
  • Pyrus communis
  • Vaccinium corymbosum
  • Vaccinium myrtillus
  • Vitis vinifera


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Pest Risk Analysis Download 2,00MB

PRA Area

  • EU
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  • Bulgaria
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  • Cyprus
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