EPPO Platform
on PRAs

Express PRA for Melittomma sericeum


Melittomma sericeum is endemic in the USA and Canada and does not occur in Germany and other EU Member States. So far, it is listed neither in the Annexes of Directive 2000/29/EC nor by EPPO. M. sericeum infests edible chestnut (Castanea spp.), American white oak (Quercus alba) and elm (Ulmus). Due to suitable climatic conditions, it is assumed that M. sericeum is able to establish outdoors in Germany. An establishment in Southern European Member States has also to be expected. Due to its high damage potential for edible chestnut, American white oak, and elm M. sericeum presents a considerable phytosanitary risk for Germany and other EU Member States. Based on this risk analysis it is assumed that the pest is able to establish in Germany or another Member State and to cause considerable damage. Thus, measures on the prevention of the introduction of this potential quarantine pest should be met according to § 4a of the Plant Inspection Order and the intercepted consignment must be destroyed accordingly.


  • Melittomma sericeum


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Pest Risk Analysis Download 236,88kB

PRA Area

  • Germany