EPPO Platform
on PRAs

Commodity risk assessment of oak logs with bark from the US for the oak wilt pathogen Bretziella fagacearum under an integrated systems approach


The European Commission submitted to the EFSA Panel on Plant Health a Dossier by USDA proposing a systems approach to mitigate the risk of entry of Bretziella fagacearum to the EU when trading oak logs with bark from the USA. Due to the forthcoming ban of methyl bromide (MB), the Dossier indicates sulfuryl fluoride (SF) as the substitute fumigant for this commodity. After collecting additional evidence from USDA, EU NPPOs, external experts and the published literature, the Panel performed a quantitative assessment on the likelihood of pest freedom for B. fagacearum at the point of entry in the EU, comparing the proposed systems approach with those already implemented by Commission Decision 2005/359/EC. The Panel provided also a non‐quantitative assessment for all risk reduction options (RROs) proposed to be undertaken in the EU, from the point of entry to processing at the sawmill. The quantitative assessment until the EU point of entry, based on experts’ judgement, indicated that: i) the most effective import option remains the current one with MB (95% certainty that between 9,573 and 10,000 containers per 10,000 would be free of B. fagacearum), followed by that with SF (95% certainty that between 8,639 and 10,000 containers per 10,000 would be free of B. fagacearum) and, last, by the other existing option based on delivering white oak logs in certain periods of the year to certain regions of the EU without fumigation (95% certainty, between 7,803 and 10,000 containers per 10,000). RROs proposed to be undertaken in the EU are expected to further reduce the risk of establishment of B. fagacearum, should these RROs be regulated, correctly implemented and checked by NPPOs. A wood pathway analysis is needed to quantitatively assess the importance of each measure and to optimise regulatory actions and risk management efforts.


  • Bretziella fagacearum
  • Quercus


  • Quercus


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Pest Risk Analysis Link to file

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