EPPO Platform
on PRAs

Express PRA for Pentodon algerinus dispar


Pentodon algerinus dispar is endemic in Egypt, Greece (Crete), Turkey and in the Middle East. It does not occur in Germany. So far, it is neither listed in the Annexes of Dir. 2000/29/EC nor by EPPO. P. algerinus dispar is polyphagous. There is a suspicion that this subspecies might cause damage on sugarcane in Egypt. It is assumed that due to unsuitable climate conditions P. algerinus dispar will not be able to establish outdoors in Germany. Also, the establishment in southern EU-Member States is unlikely as the thermophile subspecies probably already reached its northernmost range in Europe (Isle of Crete) and sugarcane is economically unimportant in the EU. P. algerinus dispar does not present a phytosanitary risk for Germany and other EU-Member States. No damage is known from Crete. Thus P. algerinus dispar will not be classified as a quarantine pest and § 4a of the Plant Inspection Order does not apply


  • Pentodon algerinus dispar


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Pest Risk Analysis Download 285,95kB

PRA Area

  • Germany