EPPO Platform
on PRAs

Express-PRA for Brenneria goodwinii


PRA conducted for application for an exceptional permit for the movement and use of the organism for research and breeding purposes.

The bacterium Brenneria goodwinii is co-responsible for the complex disease ‚Acute oak decline‘ (AOD) in Great Britain. It is not clear whether the bacterium is endemic in Europe or whether it was introduced. In 2018, the bacterium was found on oaks in Switzerland that were imported from Germany in 2017, and infected trees were found in Latvia, too. Although symptoms of the infection were documented in Germany and in Central Europe (Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain), the pathogen was not detected until today. So far, B. goodwinii is listed neither in the Annexes of Directive 2000/29/EC nor by EPPO. Brenneria goodwinii infects oaks (Quercus sp) and can cause severe damage on trees of different ages and may lead to their dieback. Due to appropriate climate conditions, it is assumed that B. goodwinii is able to establish outdoors in Germany. The establishment in South European EU Member States is possible, too. Due to its high damage potential for oaks, B. goodwinii poses a significant phytosanitary risk for Germany and other EU Member States. Based on this risk analysis, it is assumed that the pest is able to establish in Germany or other Member States and cause significant damage. As long as there is no evidence for a wide distribution of the bacterium in Germany and Europe, measures according to § 4a of the Plant Inspection Order should be met to prevent the release of this potential quarantine pest, inclusive the use of good laboratory practices like the inactivation of the pathogen after the completion of the trials. A targeted monitoring could show the distribution of this bacterium in Germany. All symptomatic trees should be examined to detect infections with B. goodwinii.


  • Brenneria goodwinii


  • Quercus


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Pest Risk Analysis Download 248,79kB

PRA Area

  • Germany