EPPO Platform
on PRAs

Pest Risk Analysis for Tuta absoluta


In 2008 Spain reported several outbreaks of Tuta absoluta on tomato plants in Catalonia, Valencia, Murcia and Balearic Islands (EPPO, 2008b), and further outbreaks have since been reported in the Mediterranean region (see 7). In South America T. absoluta is the most important pest in tomato (CABI, 2007). It is unknown how the organism was introduced from South America. There is a general prohibition for the import of plants for planting of Solanaceae from third countries, other than European and Mediterranean countries (Annex 3 of 2000/29/EC). However, there is free trade of solanaceous plants (with plant passports) and fruits within the EU. The infested areas in the Mediterranean region form a risk of spread to uninfested areas in the EU.


  • Tuta absoluta


  • Datura stramonium
  • Solanum lycopersicum
  • Solanum melongena
  • Solanum nigrum
  • Solanum tuberosum


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  • Netherlands