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on PRAs

Quick scan answer for Cryphalus spp.


This quick scan was prompted by the finding of a non-European Cryphalus species on plants for planting of Ficus and Artocarpus at a Dutch greenhouse company that import and trade (sub)tropical plants. The species was unlikely to be C. dilutus, a species that has been introduced in southern Europe. All non-European Scolytinae species are EU quarantine pests (listed as non-European Scolytidae). This EU quarantine status is not based on a pest categorization or risk assessment of each individual Scolytinae species. Therefore, a quick scan was performed to assess if non-European Cryphalus species of (sub)tropical origin known to live on Ficus and/or Artocarpus, other than C. dilutes, meets the criteria of an EU quarantine pest. The organism could not be identified to the species level but was most likely of (sub)tropical origin. No information was found on Cryphalus species, other than C. dilutus, that live on Ficus or Artocarpus and cause economic impacts. Therefore, it cannot be concluded that the organism meets all of the criteria of an EU quarantine pest (one of the criteria is having an unacceptable impact after introduction).


  • Cryphalus
  • Cryphalus dilutus
  • Cryphalus discretus


  • Artocarpus altilis
  • Ficus lyrata


Type File Size
Pest Risk Analysis Download 289,67kB

PRA Area

  • Netherlands