EPPO Platform
on PRAs

Express PRA for 'Pantoea cedenensis' – Research and Breeding


Application for an Express-PRA by the Federal State Bremen resulting from a request for a special authorisation for the movement and use of the organism for research and breeding purposes. 

So far, the bacterium 'Pantoea cedenensis' has not been detected in Germany. Until now, it has been found in Europe in Lithuania, Spain, Italy and Portugal. Furthermore, there is information from the USA (Alaska) and Turkey. So far, it is listed neither in the Annexes of the Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 nor by EPPO.

'P. cedenensis' was found in connection with pine, European spruce, hazelnut and olive trees. So far, no damage to these plants could be traced back to 'P. cedenensis'. 

Currently, there is no information in relation to damage caused by 'P. cedenensis'. Thus, the bacterium does not present any phytosanitary risk for Germany and other EU Member States and 'P. cedenensis' is not classified as a quarantine pest. Article 29 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/2031 does not apply.


  • Pantoea sp.


Type File Size
Pest Risk Analysis Download 232,91kB

PRA Area

  • Germany