EPPO Platform
on PRAs

Summary of the Express Pest Risk Analysis for ‘Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus’


Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus causes serious damage to the Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae crops (losses in quality and quantity of yields). Until recently, the virus was reported mainly in Asia. However, ToLCNDV has been reported also in Turkey, Spain and Italy in recent years. Virus needs vectors to spread. Bemisia tabaci is responsible for the transmission of ToLCNDV. Insect occurs in Europe (including Poland) in both field and greenhouse crop. Most of host plants are cultivated in PRA area. and will be endangered in case of virus occurence in Poland (also becouse of vector presence).

The most likely introduction route of ToLCNDV into Poland is through import of infected material. Systematic controls in order to detect the presence of virus (or infection symptoms) can reduce probability of introduction and spread.

The protection against viruses is based on systematic monitoring of imported plant material. Infected plants and vectors need to be remove and destroy. It will ensure adequate protection against virus development in PRA area. Cultivations of host plants need to be systematically monitored in case of pathogen occurence in Poland


  • Begomovirus solanumdelhiense


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PRA Area

  • Poland