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Alien species (4)
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article (136)
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bark beetles (40)
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Beech leaf disease (1)
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Colorado potato beetle (1)
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Express pest risk analysis (56)
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Impact assessment (18)
Import for research purposes (43)
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internet (6)
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in vitro (3)
Likelihood of establishment (1)
luggage (3)
machinery (2)
management (7)
mealybug (7)
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nematode (13)
Neoclytus acuminatus (1)
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Potential establishment (22)
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Priority pest (23)
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project (4)
Protected zone (2)
Pythium oopapillum (1)
quantitative PRA (15)
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red-headed ash borer (1)
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Risk assessment (6)
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RNQP (130)
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Scolytinae (1)
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Value of production (1)
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vegetables (9)
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whiteflies (9)
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