EPPO Platform
on PRAs


Conotrachelus nenuphar

List of PRAs (Organism)

Date PRA
Date publication
An Overview of Phytosanitary Irradiation Requirements for Australian Pests of Quarantine Concern 2023-03-27 2023-06-22
Analizy Zagrożenia Agrofagiem (Ekspres PRA) dla Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst) 2022-09-06 2023-07-04
Conotrachelus nenuphar ̶ Pest Report and Datasheet to support ranking of EU candidate priority pests 2019-06-03 2020-10-15
Pest categorisation of Conotrachelus nenuphar 2018-09-27 2019-01-25
Potential establishment of the priority pest Conotrachelus nenuphar in Sweden 2020-05-25 2021-03-02