EPPO Platform
on PRAs

Pest Risk Assessment Meloidogyne enterolobii


The NPPO of The Netherlands has found M. enterolobii (syn. M. mayaguensis) several times in imported plant material (table 1). The final diagnosis of findings before 2007 could not be made before the second half of 2007. Samples from before 2007 had, however, been stored and the final diagnosis was made in 2007 based on DNA sequences. It also then appeared that M. enterolobii en M. mayaguensis were the same species (Karssen et al., in prep.). Meloidogyne enterolobii has a wide host range and was recently detected for the first time in the USA and France. Within the tropical root-knot nematodes, this species can be considered as one of the most damaging species, mainly because it is able to overcome the resistance of important crop cultivars, such as the Mi-1 carrying tomato cultivars (Fargette, 1987). Amongst the hosts are several economically importa


  • Meloidogyne enterolobii


  • Acacia sp.
  • Brachychiton
  • Cactaceae
  • Ficus
  • Ligustrum
  • Rosa
  • Solanum
  • Solanum lycopersicum
  • Syngonium


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PRA Area

  • Netherlands