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CSL Pest Risk Analysis For Pseudaulacaspis entagona


Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (the white peach scale) has been detected on Catalpa bignonioides trees in a Kent garden. The infested trees were sourced from Italy and arrived in the UK in approximately 2001 or 2002. The organism has previously been found on Prunus in a private polytunnel in Oxordshire. The plants had originated from the Netherlands in 2001 or 2002. 

P. pentagona is a highly destructive polyphagous pest across much of the world. It occurs in several EU MS (France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden). 

Many hosts are grown in the UK, including several ornamental trees, shrubs and fruit such as Pyrus, Ribes and Rubus. P. pentagona is thought to originate from the Far East, China and Japan, where it is a particular pest of Prunus and Morus

Pseudaulacaspis pentagona is likely to be able to establish outdoors in the UK with one generation per year. Within protected environments two or three generations may be possible each year. Pseudaulacaspis pentagona Is known to occur in glasshouses in Sweden. 

In areas where P. pentagona has been accidentally introduced in the absence of its natural enemies, major damage has been caused to hosts.

Pseudaulacaspis pentagona is a potentially damaging pest to a number of hosts of economic importance in the UK.


  • Pseudaulacaspis pentagona


  • Catalpa
  • Celtis
  • Euonymus
  • Ficus
  • Juglans
  • Malus
  • Morus
  • Nerium
  • Philadelphus coronarius
  • Prunus sp.
  • Pyrus
  • Ribes
  • Rubus
  • Sorbus
  • Vitis


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  • United Kingdom