EPPO Platform
on PRAs


Anoplophora chinensis

List of PRAs (Organism)

Title Date PRA Date publication
Analizy Zagrożenia Agrofagiem (Ekspres PRA) dla Anoplophora chinensis (Forster 1771) 2021-11-15 2023-07-04
Anoplophora chinensis ̶ Pest Report and Datasheet to support ranking of EU candidate priority pests 2019-05-13 2020-10-14
Commodity risk assessment of Acer palmatum plants grafted on Acer davidii from China 2022-03-31 2022-05-25
Commodity risk assessment of Juglans regia plants from Turkey 2021-05-19 2021-06-30
Commodity risk assessment of Malus domestica plants from Turkey 2022-03-31 2022-05-24
Commodity risk assessment of Prunus persica and P. dulcis plants from Türkiye 2022-12-01 2023-01-24
Commodity risk assessment of Robinia pseudoacacia plants from Turkey 2021-03-25 2021-05-19
Economic costs of invasive alien species across Europe 2021-07-29 2021-12-17
Pest Risk Analysis Anoplophora chinensis 2008-09-05 2020-04-24
Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) for Anoplophora chinensis (Forster,1771) on fruit crops, broadleaved ornamental and forest tree species for Bulgaria 2023-12-15 2024-04-26
Prima Phacie Pest risk assessment on Anoplophora chinensis 2011-06-01 2020-07-03
Saisine relative à une évaluation du risque simplifiée du foyer d'Anoplophora chinensis, capricorne des agrumes, à Royan 2019-12-19 2020-04-02
Scientific Opinion on a technical file submitted by Japan to support a derogation request from the EU import requirements for bonsai and topiary trees that are host plants of Anoplophora chinensis 2010-09-30 2018-07-27