EPPO Platform
on PRAs


Psidium guajava

List of PRAs (Organism)

No PRA published

List of PRAs (Host)

Date PRA
Date publication
EPPO PRA for Bactrocera invadens 2010-09-30 2021-10-01
Express PRA for Icerya seychellarum 2018-09-04 2019-12-09
Pest categorisation of Nipaecoccus viridis 2022-12-12 2023-01-24
Pest categorisation of Pulvinaria psidii 2022-07-08 2022-09-06
Pest categorisation of Russellaspis pustulans 2022-04-29 2022-06-21
Podsumowanie Analizy Zagrożenia Agrofagiem (Ekspres PRA) dla Spodoptera frugiperda 2018-11-22 2019-07-08
PRA for Thaumatotibia leucotreta 2013-09-30 2021-10-01
Rapid Assessment of the need for a detailed Pest Risk Analysis for Aleuroclava psidii 2011-09-21 2019-02-07
Rapid Assessment of the need for a detailed Pest Risk Analysis for Ceroplastes rusci Takahashi 2011-09-21 2019-07-11
Rapid Pest Risk Analysis for Dialeuropora decempuncta (Breadfruit whitefly) 2012-11-15 2019-10-07
Summary of the Express Pest Risk Analysis for Aleurothrixus (=Aleurotrachelus) trachoides Back, 1912 2017-10-20 2019-07-08
Summary of the Express Pest Risk Analysis for Macrophomina phaseolina 2016-10-12 2019-07-08
Summary of the Express Pest Risk Analysis for Meloidogyne ethiopica Whitehead, 1968 2017-08-11 2019-07-08