EPPO Platform
on PRAs

Express PRA for Icerya seychellarum


Initiated after an interception of Mangos from Egypt.

Icerya seychellarum is widespread in the southern hemisphere in tropical regions. So far, the scale does not occur in Germany. It is known to occur in Spain, France and Portugal onshore as well as on Corsica and Madeira. So far, the pest is listed neither in the Annexes of the Directive 2000/29/EC nor by EPPO. The scale infests a large number of economically relevant plants in fruit growing and a variety of ornamentals. 

Due to unsuitable climatic conditions, it is assumed that I. seychellarum is not able to establish outdoors in Germany. The establishment in protected cultivation (tropical houses, glasshouses) is possible. An establishment has already taken place in some Member States in Southern Europe. Due to its low damage potential for host plants cultivated outdoors, I. seychellarum represents a low phytosanitary risk for Germany. In the southern EU countries, there is a medium phytosanitary risk due to the higher climatic suitability and better availability of host plants. 

Based on this risk analysis, it is assumed that the pest is able to establish in southern Member States. However, considerable damage is not expected. The species already established in Southern Europe in Spain, Portugal and France, without action being taken. The scale can be effectively dispersed by wind. A natural extension of the range is likely. Thus, I. seychellarum is not classified as quarantine pest, and § 4a of the Plant Inspection Order does not apply.


  • Icerya seychellarum


  • Albizia
  • Citrus
  • Cocos nucifera
  • Ficus
  • Magnolia
  • Persea americana
  • Psidium guajava
  • Pyrus
  • Rosa


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Pest Risk Analysis Download 248,77kB

PRA Area

  • Germany