EPPO Platform
on PRAs

Preliminary PRA Dasineura oxycoccana CZ 2016


Dasineura oxycoccana (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is native to North America from where it has been introduced into Europe. It is a pest of cultivated Vaccinium species. The preliminary PRA was initiated by the first outbreak of the species in CZ. The PRA area is the territory of CZ. In addition to literature data, the results of a quick countrywide detection survey carried out immediately after the first finding have also been utilized in the PRA. The survey results show that D. oxycoccana is already more widely distributed in the CZ territory. The pest is considered to be established as it is assumed that it has already been present in some areas for a few years. The potential of spread to other areas where it has not yet occurred is rated as high (with low uncertainty) with infested plants for planting and/or attached soil. The potential impact is rated as low with moderate uncertainty. The overall phytosanitary risk is rated as low, with moderate uncertainty. For the above reasons, no phytosanitary control measures are required.


  • Dasineura oxycoccana


  • Vaccinium angustifolium
  • Vaccinium corymbosum
  • Vaccinium macrocarpon
  • Vaccinium virgatum


Type File Size
Pest Risk Analysis Download 1,54MB

PRA Area

  • Czech Republic