EPPO Platform
on PRAs

EPPO Platform on PRAs


This platform aims to share work done on the evaluation of pest risk. It is maintained by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO). It includes national Pest Risk Analyses (PRAs) produced by EPPO countries (incl. quick scans, commodities PRAs) on all pests including invasive plants in different languages. Users may also share draft PRAs, or plans for future PRAs.

Please note that only part of the information is public and more information is available to registered users (e.g. draft PRAs, PRAs from non-EPPO countries).

EPPO is not responsible for the content and conclusions of the PRAs prepared by other entities and presented in this platform.

Go to EPPO website to read more on EPPO activities on PRA

How to cite us?

EPPO (2024) EPPO Platform on PRAs. https://pra.eppo.int/ [accessed date]

List of 10 latest PRAs made publicly available

Title Country Institut Posted
Quick scan for Acanthococcus lagerstroemiae Netherlands Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority 2024-10-15
Quick scan for Pseudomonas kitaguniensis Netherlands Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority 2024-10-15
Express-PRA zu Brenneria goodwinii – Auftreten (revised 2024) Germany Julius Kuehn-Institut 2024-10-08
The EPPO PRA for Agrilus anxius: Assessment for Norwegian conditions Norway The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment 2024-10-07
Pest categorisation of non-EU Scolytinae on non-coniferous hosts EU European Food Safety Authority 2024-10-04
Commodity risk assessment of maple veneer sheets from Canada EU European Food Safety Authority 2024-10-04
Commodity risk assessment of Prunus spinosa plants from United Kingdom EU European Food Safety Authority 2024-10-04
Pest categorisation of Matsucoccus matsumurae EU European Food Safety Authority 2024-10-04
Pest categorisation of Monema flavescens EU European Food Safety Authority 2024-10-04
Pest categorisation of Ceroplastes rubens EU European Food Safety Authority 2024-10-04